About us


DBECS is a registered Buddhist religious charitable organization, working for human wellness through religious education and community services.

Our Mission

Promote the ethical and spiritual life for the community, by fostering lifelong learning and practice of wisdom and compassion.

Institutional History

International Recognitions

Awards for Ven. Sik Wei Chun, Founder
  • Visvakirthi Vinaya Visarada, Panditha, Dhammadinna, (The Bearer of World-reputation for Expertise in the Discipline, Pundit, Dhamma Preacher), a title conferred by the Jayawardhanapura Commemoration Foundation, Sri Lanka, 2005.
  • Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award, by the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation, Thailand, 2008 .

Dakinava Buddhist Educational and Cultural Society (DBECS) was founded in Victoria, BC, in 1995; bought the present property, and moved to Mission in 2018. DBECS is associated with the Daksinavana Bhiksuni Samgha Ashram (DBSA, founded in 1982) in Taiwan and the Daksinavana Institute of Buddhist Studies (DIBS, 1993).

DBSA, also known as the Nanlin Temple in Taiwan, inherited Buddha’s rules of life and advanced a professional development school in Buddhist vinaya and sutra studies. The temple has received numerous awards and nominations for her dedication to religious education and community services, such as:

Domestic recognitions

  • Public Charity and Social Educational Cause Meritorious Religious Group of the Year, awarded by the Ministry of the Interior in Taiwan, in thirteen consecutive years, from 2006 to 2018.
  • Ten Consecutive Years of Public Charity and Social Educational Merit Memorial, awarded by the Executive Ministry in Taiwan, 2017.


The three pillars of the DBECS programs are:
Education, Culture, and Service


  • Instill a deep understanding of Buddhist ethical principles, including the Five Precepts and the Noble Eightfold Path, as a guide for moral conduct in diverse personal, social, and global contexts.
  • Support the development of a contemplative mindset that enhances concentration, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of life.


  • Develop educational programs that integrate Buddhist teachings with various subject such as social, political, environmental, and economic issues; demonstrating the relevance of Buddhist wisdom to contemporary challenges.
  • Explore connections between Buddhist philosophy and disciplines such as: art, music education, psychology, environmental studies, health science, multicultural education, etc., encouraging a holistic understanding of the world.


  • Incorporate service-learning projects that allow participants to apply Buddhist principles in practical ways, contributing to the well-being of communities and the environment.
  • Inspire a sense of social responsibility and engaged citizenship, encouraging practitioners to actively participate in creating positive change in society.
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle