Introduction to Buddhism

This series of presentations offers an insightful overview of Buddhism, encompassing its origins, core teachings, and practices. It delves into fundamental concepts such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Three Jewels, providing a comprehensive understanding of Buddhism’s rich philosophical and spiritual tradition.

DBECS Podcast: Buddhism in the Modern World

Examining Buddhism’s relevance in today’s world, this program explores how Buddhist traditions and principles can address contemporary challenges like stress, materialism, and environmental degradation. It emphasizes the role of mindfulness, compassion, and ethical conduct in promoting personal well-being and social harmony amidst modern complexities.

Buddha’s Law: The Bodhisattva Code (Mandarin)

This series of lectures explores the Bodhisattva Code, delving into the principles of love, compassion, and altruism embodied by bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. It highlights the cultivation of a compassionate heart and altruistic intentions, inspiring practitioners to alleviate the suffering of all beings and work towards the enlightenment of sentient beings.

Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday: 5:00 pm

Buddha’s Law: The Monastic Code for the nuns (Mandarin & English; registration required)

This segment is dedicated to delving into the Monastic Code, offering guidance and instruction specifically tailored for monastic training. Focusing on principles of discipline, conduct, and ethical standards, it provides comprehensive teachings on the Vinaya, which serves as the code of conduct for Buddhist nuns. Please note that registration is required for participation, and this course is exclusively designed for the ordained female practitioners.

Date: TBD

Sleep Tight: Soma Relaxing for Seniors and All

“Soma,” derived from ancient Sanskrit, embodies the essence of rejuvenation, relaxation, and restoration. It is a gentle invitation to unwind, to let go of tension, and to embrace a sense of inner calm. Through this bedtime ritual, we tap into the timeless wisdom of mind-body practices to nurture our well-being and cultivate a deeper connection with our inner selves.

Thursdays, Saturdays: 9:00 pm

Have good trust in yourself.