
Courses & Activities

The Buddha’s Laws
Vows of Benevolence*
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 5:00 pm
  • Mandarin
Pathways to Female Monastic Professional Development**
  • Sundays: 5:00 ~ 6:30 pm
  • Mandarin; registration required
Contemplative Practice: Guided Meditation
Group sitting at DBECS**
  • Sundays (Mar 10 ~ Nov 3, 2024):
    7:30~ 8:30 pm
Sleep Tight: Soma Meditation*
  • Thursdays, Saturdays: 9:00 pm
Dharma Sharing:
What The Buddha Taught
Morning Light*
  • Tuesdays: 7:00 am
Introduction to Buddhism*
  • Thursdays, Saturdays: 5:00 pm
*  DBECS Livestream [] **  Email for Registration:

Other regular events hold at DBECS

Other regular events hold at DBECS

  • The 1st Sunday: Pureland Chanting Rites, Laity Precept Offence Purification and the Precept Reading Rites
  • The 2th Sunday: Everyday Buddhism: Q&A session
  • The 3rd Sunday: Triple Refuge Rites & the Laity Precepts Rites, Laity Precept Offence Purification and Precept Reading Rites
  • The 4th Sunday: Environment Cleaning: Practice with Presence
  • New Year’s Day (Triennial): Grand Opening of Buddha Stupa Rites
  • Jan 1st to Jan 5th: Grand Offerings to the Triple Gem and Celestial Guardians Ceremony, Special Prayers for World Peace and Harmony
  • Mid-April: The Buddha Shakyamuni Birthday Ceremony and the Buddha Statue Bath Rites
  • Mid-June: The Tripitaka Reading Ceremony
  • Mid-July: The Buddha Samgha Ullambana Offering
  • Mid-August: Chanting Rites

Library Tour: Experiencing an introduction to the Tripitaka Library; discovering an array of ancient Buddhist scriptures; and exploring the research tools available for in-depth study and understanding.

“It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.” – Seneca